The Main Building is finished! |
One of the most striking features of the Main Building is the 'Zebra' decoration on the gable wall - the first thing you see as you approach the Clinic. The inspiration for this decoration was a wall with a similar decoration at the Evelyn Hone College in Lusaka. Using AutoCAD and Adobe Photo Shop I made up a drawing of the gable wall with borders and then superimposed the zebra decoration on top of this. A square grid of lines 30cm apart was drawn onto this and this was used to transfer the design onto the gable wall itself. The design was entirely Grant's but transferring the design to the actual wall was entrusted to Gideon - who really made a bit of a hash of it. Eventually it was finished, and it looked very attractive and was the source of much comment at the Opening Ceremony.
These photographs try to give some idea of what the Clinic will be like when finished. As it was not entirely finished when we left, a lot of the images are inaccurate in representing the final finished state of the Clinic.
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