To Upgrade the Kakumbi Clinic in Mfuwe, Eastern Province, Zambia
Drawings of the Clinic
Requirements essential to the running of the
Consultation rooms, clinical
areas, treatment rooms, etc
- Need for the ability to cope with large-volume clinics
by the provision of easy access to a waiting area.
- Male ward
- Female/children’s ward
- Lockable pharmacy store and a dispensary cupboard
- Delivery room and maternity wards
- The MCH building is to be
considered a female-only area, isolated from the main clinic building for
reasons of female privacy.
- Shelving for records
- Food store
- Linen store
- General store for bicycles, etc.
- Lab with 2 or 3 sinks
- Vaccine fridge
- E. H. T. room
- Room to be used by night nurse
for improvements:
Replacement of the roofs on both
- Insulation and ventilation of the space immediately
below the roof.
- Through ventilation of all rooms except, possibly, for
- Replacement of entire wiring system to make it safe:
with breakers - a good earthed system, good lighting and safe wall outlets.
- Provision of privacy in consultation and clinical
- Wash hand-basins in all wards, clinical areas and lab.
- Increase the number of delivery and maternity rooms
from one to two. Separate the maternity ward and delivery room from
infectious diseases areas and wards.
- Upgrade shower/toilets on MCH side and provide
shower/toilets on the other side. This provision should include separate
shower/toilets for men and for women.
- Locker/shelving spaces in each of the wards
Outside security lighting
Desirable features:
Staff toilet - if possible near
to the night nurse room.
- Night nurse room near to children’s and other wards,
but separate from them to insure nurse’s privacy.
- Beds to normal hospital standards - the present beds
are much too low.
Present state of the Clinic:
with the desperate need of a new roof on both Clinic buildings, the Clinic is
generally very run down and is badly in need of cleaning and painting. Many of
the rooms in both of the buildings are unused, under used or they are far to
large for the function that they serve. The maternity ward is located beside
the women’s infectious diseases ward. The two main wards contain too many beds
and so don’t allow a provision of 45cm between the beds. There are no toilets
nor showers for the patients in the male ward. There is no provision for
patients to wash their clothes nor their dishes. For outpatients there is only
a pit latrine and no provision for washing of hands thereafter.
none of the proposed changes to either of the buildings involves the moving or
alteration of any of the structural load-bearing walls.
Click here to see the Clinic Restoration Accounts