J O H N   B A R N E S




1965   Pitch variations in Italian keyboard instruments’, The Galpin Society Journal’ 18 (1965) 110-16.

1966   ‘Two rival harpsichord specifications’, The Galpin Society Journal, 19 (1966) 49-56.

1968   ‘Italian string scales’, The Galpin Society Journal, 21 (1968) 170-81.

1969   ‘Some restoration problems in the Russell Collection, Edinburgh’, Studia Musico-Museologica.  Bericht über das Symposium:  Die Bedeutung, die optische and akustische Darbeitung und die Aufgabe einer Musikinstrumentensammlung, (1969) 117-25.

1971a ‘The Flemish Instruments in the Russell Collection, Edinburgh’, Colloquium.  Restauritie problemen van Antwerpse klavecimbels, (Museum    

            Vleeshuis, Antwerp, 1971)  35-9.

1971b  ‘The specious uniformity of Italian harpsichords’, Keyboard Instruments, Edwin M. Ripin editor, (Edinburgh University press,  Edinburgh, 1971; reprint, Dover Publication, New York, 1977) 1-10

1973    ‘The stringing of Italian harpsichords’, Der klangliche Aspekt beim Restaurierung von Saitenklavieren,, Vera Schwarz editor,  (Akademische Druck, Graz, 1973) 35-9.

1977    ‘Comment on Com.10.  Attitudes to musical instrument conservation and restoration by G. Grant O’Brien’, FoMRHI Bulletin and Communications, no.8 (July 1977) 64.

1978a  ‘More about drawings of keyboard instruments’, FoMRHI Bulletin and Communications, no.11 (April 1978) 24-5.

1978b  ‘The circulation of restoration reports: restoration of square piano c1820 by Christian Gaiser’, FoMRHI Bulletin and Communications, no.11 (April 1978) 26-30.

1978c  ‘The Guisti harpsichord in the Stearns Collection,’ FoMRHI Quarterly, no.13 (October 1978) 44.

1979a  ‘Bach’s keyboard temperament’, Early Music, 7, no.2 (1979) 236-49.

1979b  Review: ‘Making musical instruments, ed Charles Ford’, FoMRHI Quarterly, no15 (April 1979) 24-8.

1979c  ‘A method for making traditional harpsichord tuning pins’, FoMRHI Quarterly, no 15 (April 1979) 58.

1980a  ‘Does restoration destroy evidence?’, Early Music, 8, no.2 (1980) 213-18.

1980b  ‘Instruments, restoration of’, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Stanley Sadie editor, 9 (London, 1980) 254-55.

1981a  ‘Covered strings for clavichords and square pianos’, FoMRHI Quarterly, no 23 (April 1981) 22-30.

1981b  ‘Restoration reports for two square pianos’, FoMHRI Quarterly, no.25 (October 1981) 13-15.

1982    ‘Keyboard restoration’, FoMRHI Quarterly, no.26 (January 1982) 24-5.

1985    Making a Spinet by Traditional Methods, (Mac & Me, Welwyn, 1985).

1986    ‘Early pianos at Ipswich’, FoMHRI Quarterly, no.42 (January 1986) 56-9.

1987    ‘A = 415?’, FoMRHI Quarterly, no.49 (October 1987) 31.

1988    ‘UK conservation standards and accreditation’, FoMRHI Quarterly, no.52 (July 1988) 28.

1989a  Review: Schott, H., (ed.), The Historical Harpsichord vol. 1 (Stuyvesant, NY, 1984), GSJ 42 (1989), 160-162.

1989b  Review: van Ree Bernard, N., Seven steps in clavichord development between 1400 and 1800 (Buren, 1987)            Galpin Society Journal 42 (1989), 162-164.

1990    ‘Work done on clavichord no.6 by Arnold Dolmetsch 1896/7’, FoMRHI Quarterly, no.58 (January 1990) 42-50.

1991    ‘John Paul: an appreciation’, FoMRHI Quarterly, no 64 (July 1991) 6.

1992    ‘Short octaves’, FoMRHI Quarterly, no.67 (April 1992) 40.

1994a  ‘Reconstruction of Douwes’ clavichord’, De Clavicordio.  Proceedings of the International Clavichord Symposium / Atti del congresso internationale sul clavicordo. Magnano, 9-11 September 1993, edited by Bernard and Susan Brauchli and Alberto Galazzo, (Instituto per i Beni Musicali in Piemonte, Turin, 1994) 75-9.

1994b  ‘A theory of soundboard barring’, De Clavicordio.  Proceedings of the International Clavichord Symposium / Atti del congresso internationale sul clavicordo. Magnano, 9-11 September 1993, edited by Bernard and Susan Brauchli and Alberto Galazzo, (Instituto per i Beni Musicali in Piemonte, Turin), 161-9. 

1994c   Review: Schott, H. (ed.) The Historical Harpsichord, vol. III. Styuvesant, N.Y. 1992, GSJ 45 (1994) 212-215.

1996    ‘The parallel between the harpsichord and clavichord revivals in the 20th century’, De Clavicordio.  Proceedings of the International Clavichord Symposium / Atti del congresso internationale sul clavicordo. Magnano 21-23 September 1995, edited by Bernard and Susan Brauchli and Alberto Galazzo, (Instituto per i Beni Musicali in Piemonte, Turin), 233-240.

1998a  ‘Haydn’s clavichord’, De Clavicordio.  Proceedings of the International Clavichord Symposium / Atti del congresso internationale sul clavicordo. Magnano 24-28 September 1997, edited by Bernard and Susan Brauchli and Alberto Galazzo, (Instituto per i Beni Musicali in Piemonte, Turin), 227-240.

1998b  ‘Experimental work on clavichord action’, FoMRHI Quarterly, no.90 (January 1998) 44-5.


John Barnes with Grant O’Brien, Edwin M. Ripin and Howard Schott:

1980   ‘Harpsichord’, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Stanley Sadie editor, 8 (London, l980) 216-46.


John Barnes with Edwin M. Ripin, Howard Schott, Grant O'Brien, William Dowd, Denzil Wraight, Howard Ferguson and John Caldwell:

1980    Early Keyboard Instruments, (Macmillan, London, 1980, 2/1984, 3/1989).



Good times with John Barnes




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