The day-to-day activities at Kakumbi Clinic / Mr Tembo and kids




Mr Tembo and kids


Daniel Tembo and his children.


Daniel is supposed to be the night watchman, but in fact he ends up being the on-site Jack of all Trades.  He and Grant became great pals as they replaced the old light fittings, put up the Edinburgh pulleys to raise and lower the mosquito nets, and made other simple improvements in and around the Clinic.  Daniel and his family live in a converted metal Nissan Hut which becomes an inferno inside during the daylight hours.  Being the night watchman he is expected to sleep inside it during the hottest part of the day.  Somehow he seems to manage on a few hours sleep and was always available to help whenever Grant showed up with new improvement projects.  


The structure in the background is the base of the new water tower provided for the clinic, not by the Zambian Government, but by Andrea, the generous owner of Mfuwe Lodge, one of the nearby Safari companies. 

There was no fresh running water during the whole of Dr Johnny's activity at the Clinic.