The day-to-day activities at Kakumbi Clinic / An outside consultation



An outside consultation


Dr Johnny makes an outside consultation at Kakumbi Clinic.


The woman on the right is Jess, who is the cleaner and comes in at 6 am to clean before any of the others arrive.  But she also dispenses drugs and acts as Dr Johnny's translator for those patients who don't have English.  She is very insightful, totally impartial and neutral, and is often the most important factor in Dr Johnny's eventual diagnosis of the medical condition, problem and solution.


The young mother in this photograph - and the father - are infected with HIV.  The wee baby later died.  But both the mother and the father are taking anti-retrovirals to which the mother and her first child are responding amazingly well.  The father, on the other hand, did not respond to treatment and is probably also now dead.