This web page contains a summary of the contents of two spreadsheets giving the lengths of the various units measurement used throughout the Italian peninsula during the historical period. This period lasts from about 1450 until 1800 and somewhat later. Each of these spreadsheets is a summary of a master spreadsheet compiled by the author with altogether 2,470 entries collated from a total of 19 different sources.
The two spreadsheets of historical metrology given here are:
Table 1. Units of length arranged in order according to the size of the unit of measurement.
Table 2. Units of length ordered according to the location of the centre where the unit was used.
These tables are intended to be used as an aid to determine the centre in which an historical keyboard instrument was made.
An excursion into the field of historical Italian metrology is not for the faint hearted! It is a Pandora’s box full of unexpected tricks waiting to cause grief to the the unwary. As the whole of the Italian peninsula gradually changed to the new metric system during the nineteenth century, numerous works were published during that period dealing with the conversion of the old units of measurement of length, area, volume and currency into the new metric system. The metric system had been imposed by law in Italy, first of all after the Napoleonic invasions of the North, and eventually, after the Unification of Italy as a whole. The measurements given by the authors of the works giving the conversions from the old to the new metric system are, however, not always the ones which were actually used in the Italian peninsula in the historical period of harpsichord building. In some areas the standards were changed in the period after that in which harpsichords were built but before the actual publication of the works on metrology. In Florence, for example, the unit of length was increased by a factor of 17/16 (6¼%) as a result of legislation passed on 2 July, 1782, and so well after the historical period of harpsichord building in Florence. In Piemonte there was an increase of only 0.1% in 1818, with an increase of 0.333% in Naples after 1841. It is therefore necessary to be sure that one is, in fact, applying the correct unit of measurement to an instrument in assigning to it its putative place of origin because the authors of the works on metrology seem to have been unaware (or simply ignored) any intermediate standards of length.
The other problem faced by a modern worker in this field is that there were various subdivisions of the palmo, piede and braccio, the which were the most common 'large' units of measurement, although less common units which were even larger were also in use. These were variously divided into 10, 12, 16, 20, etc. units, and so it is clearly essential to understand how each of the larger units, whether the palmo, piede, braccio, etc., were subdivided. Although these were usually divided into 12 units, a division into 10 units was common in many of the towns in the Province of Emilia-Romagna. The latter division is not to be confused with the decimalization of the larger historical units introduced in some parts of Italy, for example in Sicily, during the nineteenth century. The division of the braccio was usually divided into 20 units, but divisions into 12, 16, 22, etc. were also known. When used for measuring cloth, the braccio was often divided in halves, quarters, eighths and sixteenths reflecting the way cloth could be folded and cut.
The units and sub-division of the units of measurement used in the design of early keyboard instruments in a number of important centres are those given below.
Some unusual local divisions of the units of measurement
Cagliari and
1 canna = 10 palmi; 1 piede = 2 palmi = 12 once; 1 palmo = 6 once; 1 oncia = 12 punti (Dou,
law was passed in Florence on 2 July, 1782 (and so essentially after the
historical period of stringed-keyboard instrument making there) which changed the length standard in
Tuscany, as noted above, so that the value of the soldo = 29.18mm used from then until 1 July, 1861 is not valid for
the earlier historical period during the time of the construction of the type of musical
instruments of interest here. In Florence and much of Tuscany in
both the historical and later periods the units were: 1 braccio = 2 palmi = 20 soldi = 12 crazie = 60 quattrini = 240 denari,
so 1 palmo = 6 crazie = 10 soldi = 30 quattrini = 120 denari, and 1 soldo = 3 quattrini = 12 denari and 1 crazia =
soldi = 5 quattrini = 20 denari and 1 quattrino = 4 denari.
1 braccio = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728 atomi =
20736 momenti (Cr, page 38).
A law was passed on 6 April, 1840 which increased the length of the palmo and other units of measurement in Naples and the surrounding area which came under the influence of the Kingdom of Naples by about 0.3338%, a small amount (see Ga, 1864). Any sources such as Mal 1875 give the later value of the length without taking into consideration the value before 1840. In Naples 1 canna = 8 palmi = 96 once = 480 minuti, so 1 palmo = 12 once = 60 minuti = 600 punti, and 1 oncia = 5 minuti = 50 punti, hence the oncia is divided in 5 parts and not in 12!
1 piede da legno = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728 atomi =
20736 minuti = 248,832 momenti = 2,985,985 scrupoli (Source: Cr page
Piemonte (especially Turin, but valid throughout all of the smaller and larger centres in Piemonte):
14 once = 1 raso (braccio da panno); 8 once = 1 piede manuale. According to Mar, p.783, to Eu, p. 46, and others, the value of the piede was changed from 513.766mm to 514.403mm in 1818. Before 1818 (except for the period in which Napoleon dominated Savoy from 1798 to 1816 and therefore outwith the historical period of stringed keyboard instrument making) all of the other measurements were based on the piede legale, piede liprando or the raso with an oncia = 42.814mm.
There were three, probably four, basic sizes for the oncia in Rome according to the period of Roman history involved. One, equal to about 18.617mm, was used for almost all of the normal measurements of objects, buildings, wood, etc. and was the basis of the palmo romano, piede romano, braccio romano, passetto, passo, and canna architettonica used during the classical period as well as later. Cloth appears to have been measured in units of two different once, equal to about 17.67mm and 20.75mm, and were the basis of the palmo mercantile, palmo da tela, braccio mercantile, braccio da tela, braccio da tessitore, canna mercantile, etc. The piede (close to 297.9mm) was normally divided into 16 units of the 18.617mm oncia, but it also appears that it was divided into 12 once giving another oncia of length near 24.82mm (used, for example, by Francesco Fabbri and Giambattista Boni both of whom worked in Rome). Dou says that the piede antico (the old historical foot) = 294.5mm was still in use in Rome in 1840. In Rome 1 piede = palmi = 16 once. 1 palmo = 12 once. 1 oncia = 5 minuti = 10 decimi, hence the oncia is divided in 5 or 10 parts but not in 12!
Tables 1
and 2 below give the sizes of the units of measurement current in all of the
centres in which harpsichord, virginal, spinet and clavichord makers were active in the historical
period, as well as a few additional centres which were important culturally and
commercially. These are arranged both
according to the centre and according to the size of the oncia, soldo or pollice. These tables are no long listed on the Russell Collection Website.
Also listed on this site for downloading are the complete
databases from which these two tables were extracted. Text versions of these databases are also arranged according to
the centre and according to the size of the unit of measurement. The
tables below do not include any measurements given by the nineteenth-century
sources for the period outwith the historical era of harpsichord building.
Equivalent Measurements
In many of the regions of Italy, the units of measurement used in minor towns or centres were, for obvious reasons, equivalent to those of the particular region where they were located, or to those of the nearby major centre. Historically, in some cases, one centre dominated a large region, but with smaller centres in that region still having their own established unit of measurement. This has given rise to some confusion, with some centres seeming to have several different units of measurement if the tables are followed literally. So it is necessary, once a unit seems to pertain to a particular centre, to establish the history of the region involved and the exact time that the length standard for that are was measured and established.
The reader should note that the towns given below used measurements which were the same as those of the region in which they were located or under whose domination they found themselves:
Ferrara Argenta, Cento, Comacchio, Codigoro and
Pieve di Cento.
Florence Arezzo, Empoli , Livorno, Montepulciano,
Pisa, Pistoia, Porto Ferraio, Prato and Sienna.
Genoa Chiavari, La Spezia, Novi Ligure,
Oneglia, Porto Plata, Savona and San Remo.
Milan Lodi, Monza, Pallanza and Treviglio.
Naples Acconza, Aci Reale, Aquila, Avellino,
Bari, Barletta, Benevento, Brindisi, Caggiano, Cagniolo, Calabria, Campobasso,
Caserta, Catanzaro, Cava, Cava, Chieti, Cosenza, Eboli, Fiano, Foggia,
Gallipoli, Ischia, Isani, Lecce, Lucera, Mazzarà, Nocera, Nota, Potenza,
Puglia, Reggio di Calabria, Rocca, Salerno, Taranto and Teramo.
Palermo Caltanissetta, Campobasso, Catania,
Catanzarro, Girgenti, Lipari, Marsala, Messina, Ragusa, Siracus aand Trapani.
Perugia Foligno, Gubbio, Narni, Spoleto and
Piacenza Bardi, Bobbio, Carpaneto, Fiorenzuola and
Reggio Coreggio, Gualtieri, Luzzara, Reggio
nell’Emilia, Reggiolo and Scandiano.
Rome Civitavecchia, Frosinone, Orvieto,
Rieti and Viterbo.
Trento Riva di Garda and Tiarno.
Turin Alba, Asti, Biella, Cuneo, Ivrea, Mondovì, Pinarolo, Saluzzo, Susa and Vercelli.
Urbino Castel Durante (modern Urbania), Fossombrone, Gubbio, Fermignano, Mondavio - and probably in a number of the other small centres that were a part of the Ducy of Urbino during the fifteenth century.
Venice Asolo, Bassano, Belluno, Ceneda,
Chioggia, Chions, Conegliano, Cristoglia, Gaiarine, Istria, Lugo, Mestre,
Muggia, Portobuffolè, Portole, Prata, Ravenna, Rovigo, San Leonardo, Treviso,
Trieste and Vicenza.
Verona San Giorgio di Livenza and Portoguarro.
Ca Hercule Cavalli, Tableaux comparatifs des mesures, poids et monnaies modernes et anciens…,
(Paul Dupont, Paris, 2/1874).
Ephraim, ‘Measures’, Ciclopædia: or An Universal Dictionary of Arts and
Sciences, Vol. 2 (London, 1728; 4/1741; 5/1743).
Co Colonel Cotty, Aide-mémoire a l’usage des
officiers d’artillerie de France, 2 (Paris, 1819) 896-7.
Cr Giovanni Croci, Dizionario universale dei pesi e delle misure in uso presso gli antichi
e moderni con ragguaglio ai pesi e misure del sistema metrico, (The Author,
Milan, 1860).
Did Denis Diderot and Jean Henri le Rond
d'Alembert, ‘Pied’, Encyclopédie ou
dictionnaire raisonnée des arts, sciences et métiers, 7 (Paris, 1751-65)
Diderot gives his measurements as 1440-th parts of the Paris pouce, and Colonel Cotty’s military
manual was used for the length of the pouce.
Dou Horace Doursther, Dictionnaire universel des poids et mesures anciens et modernes, (M
Hayer, Brussels, 1840).
EI Anon., ‘Piede’, Enciclopedia italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti, 27 (Rome, 1935-1943) 168.
Esp Anon., Esposizione
popolare del nuovo sistema metrico dell'impero francese comparativamente alle
misure, pesi e monete toscane…, (Guglielmo Piatti, Florence, 1811) 11.
Eu Ludovico Eusebio, Compendio di Metrologia Universale e Vocabolario Metrologico,
(Unione Tipografico Editrice Torinese, Turin, 1899; reprint by Forni Editore,
Bologna, 1967).
Fr Luciana Frangioni, Milano e le sue misure. Appunti
di metrologia Lombarda fra Tre e Quattrocento, (Edizioni Scientifiche
Italiani, Naples, 1992).
Ga Giovanni Gandolfo, Tavole di ragguaglio ovvero prontuario di computi fatti di pesi, misure
e monete legali italiane, (Naples, 1860).
GDE Anon., ‘Misure’, Grande dizionario enciclopedico,
12 (Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese, Turin, 1970) 626.
Kr Johann Georg Krünitz, , Öconomische Encyklopädie oder allgemeines
System der Staats-, Stadt-, und Landwirtschaft, in alphabetischer Ordnung,
15 (Jospeh Georg Traßler, Brünn, 1788) 519-22.
Given as 1440-th parts of the Paris pouce; Co used for pouce.
See Did.
Mal L. Malvasi, La metrologia italiana ne' suoi cambievoli rapporti desunti dal
confronto col sistema metrico-decimale, (Fratelli Malvasi, Modena,
Mar Angelo Martini, Manuale di metrologia, (E. Loescher, Turin, 1883; reprint Editrice
Edizioni Romane d’Arte, Rome, 1976).
Or Barnaba Oriani, Istruzione su le misure e su i pesi che si usano nella Repubblica Cisalpina,
(Milano, 1891).
Pa Luigi Pancaldi, Raccolta ridotta a dizionario
di varie misure antiche e moderne coi loro rapporti alle misure metriche…,
(Sassi, Bologna, 1847).
Ta1 Anon., Tavole
di ragguaglio fra le nuove e le antiche misure….del Regno d'Italia publicate
per ordine del Governo, 1 (Stamperia Reale, Milan, 1803).
Ta2 Anon., Tavole di ragguaglio fra le nuove e le antiche
misure….del Regno d'Italia publicate per ordine del Governo, 2 (Stamperia
Reale, Milan, 1809
Location |
Unit |
mm |
Sub-unit |
Length in mm |
Division |
Source |
Notes |
Rome |
Piede antico |
294.50 |
oncia |
18.406 |
16 |
Did,Kr,Dou |
Dou says that
this piede was still in use in 1840. |
Rome |
Piede romano |
297.00 |
oncia |
18.563 |
16 |
Ca,Eu |
1 piede romano = 16 once |
The Marche[1] |
Piede |
335.10 |
oncia |
18.617 |
18 |
Cr,EI,Dou,Pa,Ta2,Mal, |
1 piede da legname = 18 once |
Rome |
(architettonico) |
223.42 |
oncia |
18.619 |
12 |
Cha,Did,Co,Or,Mal,Mar,Dou,Eu |
1 palmo = 12 once = 120 decimi = 60 minuti |
Rome |
Piede |
297.90 |
oncia |
18.619 |
16 |
Dou,Cr,Mal,Mar,Cr,Pa,Kr, |
1 piede = 1 1/3 palmi = 16 once |
The Marche[2] |
Palmo |
223.42 |
oncia |
18.619 |
12 |
Mar |
1 palmo Romano = 12 once |
Sienna |
Braccio |
378.52 |
oncia |
18.926 |
20 |
Cha |
Palermo |
Piede |
227.84 |
oncia |
18.987 |
12 |
Did |
Naples |
Piede |
232.35 |
oncia |
19.363 |
12 |
Did |
Palermo |
Palmo |
242.05 |
oncia |
20.171 |
12 |
Ca,Did,Kr,Cr |
1 palmo = 12 once |
Palermo |
Palmo |
242.78 |
oncia |
20.232 |
12 |
Dou |
Genoa |
Palmo |
248.08 |
oncia |
20.674 |
12 |
Ca,Did,GDE,Mal,Mar,Kr,Cha |
1 palmo = 12 once = 144 linee = 1728 punti |
Rome |
Palmo mercantile |
248.99 |
oncia |
20.749 |
12 |
Eu,Mar,Mal,Dou,Pa,Co |
1 palmo = 12
once |
Sicily and
Palermo |
Palmo |
257.80 |
oncia |
21.483 |
12 |
Mal,Eu,Mar |
1 palmo = 12 once = 144 linee = 1728 punti |
Naples |
Braccio |
698.00 |
oncia |
21.813 |
32 |
Ca |
1 braccio = 2 2/3 palmi = 32 once |
Naples |
Canna |
2096.10 |
oncia |
21.834 |
96 |
Ca,Dou,Pa,Or,Cha |
1 canna = 8 palmi = 96 once = 480 minuti |
Naples |
Palmo |
262.01 |
oncia |
21.835 |
12 |
Dou,Cr |
1 palmo = 12 once = 60 minuti |
Naples |
Canna |
2109.36 |
oncia |
21.973 |
96 |
Ga,Mal,Mar |
1 canna = 8 palmi |
Naples |
Palmo |
263.67 |
oncia |
21.973 |
12 |
Did,Ga,Mal,Mar |
1 palmo = 12 once = 4 quarti = 60 minuti |
Genoa |
Piede |
263.93 |
oncia |
21.994 |
12 |
Did |
Savoia |
Braccio |
270.70 |
oncia |
22.558 |
12 |
Kr |
1 piede = 12
once |
Verona |
Piede |
270.90 |
oncia |
22.575 |
12 |
Co |
Rimini |
Piede |
271.83 |
oncia |
22.653 |
12 |
Kr |
1 braccio = 12 once |
Aosta |
Pied |
312.00 |
pollice |
26.000 |
12 |
Mar,Cr |
1 pied = 12 pouce = 144 lignes |
Trentino and |
(Viennese Fuss) |
316.08 |
pollice |
26.340 |
12 |
Mal,Mar |
1 piede = 12 pollici = 144 linee |
Fossombrone |
Piede |
316.5 |
oncia |
26.38 |
12 |
Pa |
1 piede = 12 once |
Urbania (Castel Durante) |
Piede |
316.5 |
oncia |
26.38 |
12 |
Pa |
1 piede = 12 once |
Fossombrone |
Piede |
322.257 |
oncia |
26.85 |
12 |
Mal,Ta2,Pa,Cr |
1 piede di Campidoglio = 12 once |
Venice |
Piede |
322.58 |
oncia |
26.882 |
12 |
Did |
Turin |
Piede |
323.03 |
oncia |
26.919 |
12 |
Pa,Kr |
1 piede = 12
once |
Fossombrone |
Piede |
325.795 |
oncia |
27.15 |
12 |
Mal,Dou,Cr |
Urbania (Castel Durante) |
Braccio mercantile (da panno) |
651.5 |
oncia |
27.15 |
24 |
Mal,Pa |
1 braccio da panno = 24 once |
Fossombrone |
Braccio mercantile |
655.8 |
oncia |
27.33 |
24 |
Mal,Dou,Cr |
1 braccio mercantile = 24 once |
Florence |
Bavelle |
273.41 |
soldo |
27.341 |
10 |
Kr |
1 bavelle = 1 palmo |
Florence |
Braccio di terra |
548.17 |
soldo |
27.409 |
20 |
Did |
1 braccio = 20 soldi = 240 denari, etc. |
Florence |
Braccio a terra |
551.20 |
soldo |
27.560 |
20 |
Co,Mar |
1 braccio = 20 soldi = 240 denari, etc. |
Trento |
Piede da fabbrica |
331.91 |
oncia |
27.659 |
12 |
Mar |
Tirol and |
Piede |
334.30 |
oncia |
27.858 |
12 |
Mar,Dou |
Fossombrone |
Piede |
335.1 |
oncia |
27.93 |
12 |
Mal,Cr |
1 piede da legname = 12 once |
Udine |
Piede |
340.49 |
oncia |
28.374 |
12 |
EI,Dou,Mar,Ta2,Mal,Cr |
1 piede = 12
once = 144 linee |
Verona |
Piede |
342.90 |
oncia |
28.575 |
12 |
Cr,Did,Dou,Pa,Or,Mal,Ta2,Mar |
1 piede = 12
once = 144 linee |
Aquila |
Piede |
343.80 |
oncia |
28.650 |
12 |
Dou |
Udine |
Piede |
345.14 |
oncia |
28.762 |
12 |
Co |
1 piede = 12 once |
Urbania (Castel Durante) |
Piede da fabbrica |
346.85 |
oncia |
28.9 |
12 |
Mal,Ta2,Pa |
1 piede da fabbrica = 12 once |
Venice |
Piede |
347.74 |
oncia |
28.978 |
12 |
Did,Kr,Cr,Dou,Mal,Mar,Ta2 |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 linee = 1440 decimi |
Pesaro |
Piede da fabbrica |
348.14 |
oncia |
29.011 |
12 |
EI,Pa,Dou,Cr,Ta2,Mar,Mal |
1 piede = 12 once = 60 minuti |
Urbino |
Piede da fabbrica |
353.72 |
oncia |
29.477 |
12 |
EI,Cr,Pa,Ta2,Mar,Mal,Pa,Kr |
1 piede = 12 once |
Padua |
Palmo |
354.17 |
oncia |
29.514 |
12 |
Did,Kr |
1 palmo = 12
once |
Senigallia |
Piede da fabbrica |
354.70 |
oncia |
29.558 |
12 |
Pa,Mal,Ce,Ta2,Mar |
1 piede da fabbrica = 12 once |
Vicenza |
Piede |
356.42 |
oncia |
29.702 |
12 |
Kr,Did,Co |
Padua |
Piede |
357.39 |
oncia |
29.783 |
12 |
Co,Mar,Ta2 |
1 piede = 12
once = 144 linee |
Perugia |
Piede |
363.50 |
oncia |
30.292 |
12 |
Mar,Pa |
1 piede = 12 once = 60 minuti |
Trento |
Piede |
365.90 |
oncia |
30.492 |
12 |
Mar,Dou |
Bologna |
Piede or Braccio |
378.98 |
oncia |
31.582 |
12 |
Did |
Bologna |
Piede |
379.43 |
oncia |
31.619 |
12 |
Did,Kr,Co |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728 atomi |
Bologna |
agrimensorio |
380.10 |
oncia |
31.675 |
12 |
Ca,Did,GDE,Eu,Mar,Ta1,Cr,Pa,Or,Mal,Dou |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728 atomi |
Urbino |
Piede |
383.50 |
oncia |
31.958 |
12 |
Pa,Cr,Mar |
1 piede = 12 once |
Senigallia |
Piede da legname |
392.60 |
oncia |
32.717 |
12 |
Pa,Mal,Ta2 |
1 piede da legname = 12 once |
Milan |
Piede |
397.03 |
oncia |
33.085 |
12 |
Kr |
1 piede = 12
once |
Ferrara |
Piede |
401.31 |
oncia |
33.443 |
12 |
Co |
1 piede = 12
once |
Ferrara |
Piede |
403.85 |
oncia |
33.655 |
12 |
EI,Eu,Dou,Mar,Ta1,Mal,Cr,Or,Pa |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728 atomi |
Turin |
Piede |
433.12 |
oncia |
36.093 |
12 |
Did |
Milan |
Piede |
435.19 |
oncia |
36.265 |
12 |
Ca,Eu,Cr,Fr,Mal,Or,Pa,Dou,Mar |
1 braccio = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728 atomi |
Bergamo |
Piede |
437.77 |
oncia |
36.481 |
12 |
Dou,Fr,Or,Mar,Mal,Pa |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728 atomi |
Sondrio |
Piede |
446.20 |
oncia |
37.184 |
12 |
Dou,Cr,Fr,Mar,Mal,Or, |
1 piede = 12
once = 144 punti = 1728 atomi |
Como |
Piede |
451.22 |
oncia |
37.602 |
12 |
Dou,Pa,Cr,Fr,Mar,Or,Mal |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728 atomi |
Pavia |
Piede |
457.93 |
oncia |
38.161 |
12 |
Kr |
1 piede = 12
once |
Mantua |
Piede |
466.86 |
oncia |
38.905 |
12 |
Did,Kr,Or,Mal,Cr,Dou,Fr,Pa,Mar |
1 piede = 12 once |
Brescia |
Braccio |
468.08 |
oncia |
39.007 |
12 |
Did,Kr |
Mantua |
Piede |
469.21 |
oncia |
39.101 |
12 |
Did |
Piacenza |
Piede |
469.57 |
oncia |
39.130 |
12 |
Fr,Mal,Cr,Dou,Mar |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728 atomi |
Brescia |
Piede |
470.99 |
oncia |
39.249 |
12 |
Cr,Or,Mal,Dou, |
1 piede = 12 once |
Pavia |
agrimensorio |
471.95 |
oncia |
39.330 |
12 |
EI,Dou,Cr,Fr,Mar,Or,Mal,Pa |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728 atomi |
Brescia |
Piede |
472.22 |
oncia |
39.352 |
12 |
Did |
Brescia |
Piede |
475.47 |
oncia |
39.622 |
12 |
Fr,Mar,Dou,Mal,Ta1,Mal,Pa, |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728 atomi |
Brescia |
Piede |
477.11 |
oncia |
39.759 |
12 |
Did |
Cremona |
Piede |
483.54 |
oncia |
40.295 |
12 |
Dou,Pa,Or,Mal,Fr,Mar |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728 atomi |
Sardinia |
Palmo |
251.07 |
oncia |
41.845 |
6 |
Kr |
1 piede = 2 palmi = 12 once |
Genoa |
Piede liprando |
513.77 |
oncia |
42.814 |
12 |
Dou |
Genoa |
Piede manuale |
342.51 |
oncia |
42.814 |
8 |
Dou |
Turin |
(piede liprando) |
513.77 |
oncia |
42.814 |
12 |
Ca,Or,Mal,Eu,Cr,Mar,Dou, |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728 atomi |
Turin |
Piede legale |
342.51 |
oncia |
42.814 |
8 |
Cr,Dou,Eu,Mar,Mal |
1 piede legale = 8 once |
Modena |
Piede |
523.05 |
oncia |
43.587 |
12 |
Pa,Eu,Ta1,Cr,Dou,Mal,Mar,Or |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728 atomi |
Cagliari |
Piede |
524.70 |
oncia |
43.725 |
12 |
Mar,GDE,Eu,Ca, Dou |
1 piede = 2 palmi = 12 once = 144 punti |
Imola |
agrimensorio |
439.66 |
oncia |
43.966 |
10 |
Cr,Dou,Or,Mal,Mar,Ta1,Pa |
1 piede = 10 once = 100 punti |
Reggio |
Piede |
530.90 |
oncia |
44.242 |
12 |
Ta1,Or,Cr,Dou,Mar,Pa,Or,Mal |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti |
Parma |
Braccio o piede |
545.17 |
oncia |
45.431 |
12 |
Did,Kr,Mar,Mal,Pa,Or,Dou,Eu,Ca |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728 atomi |
Piacenza |
Braccio |
546.59 |
oncia |
45.549 |
12 |
Did,Kr |
Parma |
Piede |
550.42 |
oncia |
45.868 |
12 |
Did |
Macerata |
agrimensorio |
558.51 |
oncia |
46.542 |
12 |
Dou,Pa,Cr,Mal |
Senigallia |
Piede |
558.50 |
oncia |
46.542 |
12 |
Dou,Pa,Cr,Mal |
1 piede = 12 once |
Faenza |
Piede |
479.77 |
oncia |
47.977 |
10 |
Dou,Mar,Or,Mal,Ta1,Pa,Cr |
1 piede = 10
once |
Forlì |
Piede |
488.21 |
oncia |
48.821 |
10 |
Cr,Dou,Pa,Or,Mal,Mar,Ta1 |
1 piede = 10 once |
Ravenna |
agrimensorio |
584.61 |
oncia |
58.461 |
10 |
Pa,Or,Mal,Mar,Cr |
1 piede = 10
once = 100 punti |
Location |
Unit |
mm |
Sub-unit |
Length in mm |
Division |
Source |
Notes |
Aosta |
Pied |
312.00 |
pollice |
26.000 |
12 |
Mar,Cr |
1 pied = 12 pouce = 144 lignes |
Aquila |
Piede |
343.80 |
oncia |
28.650 |
12 |
Dou |
Bergamo |
Piede |
437.77 |
oncia |
36.481 |
12 |
Dou,Fr,Or,Mar,Mal,Pa |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728
atomi |
Bologna |
Braccio |
378.98 |
oncia |
31.582 |
12 |
Did |
Bologna |
Piede |
379.43 |
oncia |
31.619 |
12 |
Did,Kr,Co |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728
atomi |
Bologna |
agrimensorio |
380.10 |
oncia |
31.675 |
12 |
Ca,Did,GDE,Eu,Mar,Ta1,Cr,Pa,Or,Mal,Dou |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728
atomi |
Brescia |
Braccio |
468.08 |
oncia |
39.007 |
12 |
Did,Kr |
Brescia |
Piede |
470.99 |
oncia |
39.249 |
12 |
Cr,Or,Mal,Dou, |
1 piede = 12
once |
Brescia |
Piede |
472.22 |
oncia |
39.352 |
12 |
Did |
Brescia |
Piede |
475.47 |
oncia |
39.622 |
12 |
Fr,Mar,Dou,Mal,Ta1,Mal,Pa, |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728
atomi |
Brescia |
Piede |
477.11 |
oncia |
39.759 |
12 |
Did |
Cagliari |
Piede |
524.70 |
oncia |
43.725 |
12 |
Mar,GDE,Eu,Ca, Dou |
1 piede = 2 palmi = 12 once = 144
punti |
Como |
Piede |
451.22 |
oncia |
37.602 |
12 |
Dou,Pa,Cr,Fr,Mar,Or,Mal |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728
atomi |
Cremona |
Piede |
483.54 |
oncia |
40.295 |
12 |
Dou,Pa,Or,Mal,Fr,Mar |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728
atomi |
Faenza |
Piede |
479.77 |
oncia |
47.977 |
10 |
Dou,Mar,Or,Mal,Ta1,Pa,Cr |
1 piede = 10
once |
Ferrara |
Piede |
401.31 |
oncia |
33.443 |
12 |
Co |
1 piede = 12
once |
Ferrara |
Piede |
403.85 |
oncia |
33.655 |
12 |
EI,Eu,Dou,Mar,Ta1,Mal,Cr,Or,Pa |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728
atomi |
Florence |
Bavelle |
273.41 |
soldo |
27.341 |
10 |
Kr |
1 bavelle = 1
palmo |
Florence |
Braccio di terra |
548.17 |
soldo |
27.409 |
20 |
Did |
1 braccio = 20 soldi = 240 denari, etc. |
Florence |
Braccio a terra |
551.20 |
soldo |
27.560 |
20 |
Co,Mar |
1 braccio = 20 soldi = 240 denari, etc. |
Forlì |
Piede |
488.21 |
oncia |
48.821 |
10 |
Cr,Dou,Pa,Or,Mal,Mar,Ta1 |
1 piede = 10 once |
Fossombrone |
Piede |
316.5 |
oncia |
26.38 |
12 |
Pa |
1 piede = 12 once |
Fossombrone |
Piede |
322.257 |
oncia |
26.85 |
12 |
Mal,Ta2,Pa,Cr |
1 piede di Campidoglio = 12 once |
Fossombrone |
Piede |
325.795 |
oncia |
27.15 |
12 |
Mal,Dou,Cr |
Fossombrone |
Braccio mercantile |
655.8 |
oncia |
27.33 |
24 |
Mal,Dou,Cr |
1 braccio mercantile = 24 once |
Fossombrone |
Piede |
335.1 |
oncia |
27.93 |
12 |
Mal,Cr |
1 piede da legname = 12 once |
Genoa |
Palmo |
248.08 |
oncia |
20.674 |
12 |
Ca,Did,GDE,Mal,Mar,Kr,Cha |
1 palmo = 12 once = 144 linee = 1728
punti |
Genoa |
Piede |
263.93 |
oncia |
21.994 |
12 |
Did |
Genoa |
Piede liprando |
513.77 |
oncia |
42.814 |
12 |
Dou |
Genoa |
Piede manuale |
342.51 |
oncia |
42.814 |
8 |
Dou |
Imola |
agrimensorio |
439.66 |
oncia |
43.966 |
10 |
Cr,Dou,Or,Mal,Mar,Ta1,Pa |
1 piede = 10 once = 100 punti |
Macerata |
agrimensorio |
558.51 |
oncia |
46.542 |
12 |
Dou,Pa,Cr,Mal |
Mantua |
Piede |
466.86 |
oncia |
38.905 |
12 |
Did,Kr,Or,Mal,Cr,Dou,Fr,Pa,Mar |
1 piede = 12
once |
Mantua |
Piede |
469.21 |
oncia |
39.101 |
12 |
Did |
Milan |
Piede |
397.03 |
oncia |
33.085 |
12 |
Kr |
1 piede = 12 once |
Milan |
Piede |
435.19 |
oncia |
36.265 |
12 |
Ca,Eu,Cr,Fr,Mal,Or,Pa,Dou,Mar |
1 braccio = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728
atomi |
Modena |
Piede |
523.05 |
oncia |
43.587 |
12 |
Pa,Eu,Ta1,Cr,Dou,Mal,Mar,Or |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728
atomi |
Naples |
Piede |
232.35 |
oncia |
19.363 |
12 |
Did |
Naples |
Braccio |
698.00 |
oncia |
21.813 |
32 |
Ca |
1 braccio = 2 2/3 palmi = 32 once |
Naples |
Canna |
2096.10 |
oncia |
21.834 |
96 |
Ca,Dou,Pa,Or,Cha |
1 canna = 8 palmi = 96 once = 480
minuti |
Naples |
Palmo |
262.01 |
oncia |
21.835 |
12 |
Dou,Cr |
1 palmo = 12 once = 60 minuti |
Naples |
Canna |
2109.36 |
oncia |
21.973 |
96 |
Ga,Mal,Mar |
1 canna = 8
palmi |
Naples |
Palmo |
263.67 |
oncia |
21.973 |
12 |
Did,Ga,Mal,Mar |
1 palmo = 12 once = 4 quarti = 60
minuti |
Padua |
Palmo |
354.17 |
oncia |
29.514 |
12 |
Did,Kr |
1 palmo = 12 once |
Padua |
Piede |
357.39 |
oncia |
29.783 |
12 |
Co,Mar,Ta2 |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 linee |
Palermo |
Piede |
227.84 |
oncia |
18.987 |
12 |
Did |
Palermo |
Palmo |
242.05 |
oncia |
20.171 |
12 |
Ca,Did,Kr,Cr |
1 palmo = 12
once |
Palermo |
Palmo |
242.78 |
oncia |
20.232 |
12 |
Dou |
Parma |
Braccio o piede |
545.17 |
oncia |
45.431 |
12 |
Did,Kr,Mar,Mal,Pa,Or,Dou,Eu,Ca |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728
atomi |
Parma |
Piede |
550.42 |
oncia |
45.868 |
12 |
Did |
Pavia |
Piede |
457.93 |
oncia |
38.161 |
12 |
Kr |
1 piede = 12 once |
Pavia |
agrimensorio |
471.95 |
oncia |
39.330 |
12 |
EI,Dou,Cr,Fr,Mar,Or,Mal,Pa |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728
atomi |
Perugia |
Piede |
363.50 |
oncia |
30.292 |
12 |
Mar,Pa |
1 piede = 12 once = 60 minuti |
Pesaro |
Piede da fabbrica |
348.14 |
oncia |
29.011 |
12 |
EI,Pa,Dou,Cr,Ta2,Mar,Mal |
1 piede = 12 once = 60 minuti |
Piacenza |
Piede |
469.57 |
oncia |
39.130 |
12 |
Fr,Mal,Cr,Dou,Mar |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728
atomi |
Piacenza |
Braccio |
546.59 |
oncia |
45.549 |
12 |
Did,Kr |
Ravenna |
agrimensorio |
584.61 |
oncia |
58.461 |
10 |
Pa,Or,Mal,Mar,Cr |
1 piede = 10 once = 100 punti |
Reggio |
Piede |
530.90 |
oncia |
44.242 |
12 |
Ta1,Or,Cr,Dou,Mar,Pa,Or,Mal |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti |
Rimini |
Piede |
271.83 |
oncia |
22.653 |
12 |
Kr |
1 braccio = 12
once |
Rome |
Piede antico |
294.50 |
oncia |
18.406 |
16 |
Did,Kr,Dou |
Dou ays that
this piede was still in use in
1840. |
Rome |
Piede romano |
297.00 |
oncia |
18.563 |
16 |
Ca,Eu |
1 piede romano = 16
once |
Rome |
(architettonico) |
223.42 |
oncia |
18.619 |
12 |
Cha,Did,Co,Or,Mal,Mar,Dou,Eu |
1 palmo = 12 once = 120 decimi = 60
minuti |
Rome |
Piede |
297.90 |
oncia |
18.619 |
16 |
Dou,Cr,Mal,Mar,Cr,Pa,Kr, |
1 piede = 1 1/3 palmi = 16 once |
Rome |
Palmo mercantile |
248.99 |
oncia |
20.749 |
12 |
Eu,Mar,Mal,Dou,Pa,Co |
1 palmo = 12
once |
Sardinia |
Palmo |
251.07 |
oncia |
41.845 |
6 |
Kr |
1 piede = 2 palmi = 12 once |
Savoia |
Braccio |
270.70 |
oncia |
22.558 |
12 |
Kr |
1 piede = 12 once |
Senigallia |
Piede da fabbrica |
354.70 |
oncia |
29.558 |
12 |
Pa,Mal,Ce,Ta2,Mar |
1 piede da fabbrica = 12
once |
Senigallia |
Piede da legname |
392.60 |
oncia |
32.717 |
12 |
Pa,Mal,Ta2 |
1 piede da legname = 12
once |
Senigallia |
Piede |
558.50 |
oncia |
46.542 |
12 |
Dou,Pa,Cr,Mal |
1 piede = 12 once |
Sicily and
Palermo |
Palmo |
257.80 |
oncia |
21.483 |
12 |
Mal,Eu,Mar |
1 palmo = 12 once = 144 linee = 1728
punti |
Sienna |
Braccio |
378.52 |
oncia |
18.926 |
20 |
Cha |
Sondrio |
Piede |
446.20 |
oncia |
37.184 |
12 |
Dou,Cr,Fr,Mar,Mal,Or, |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728
atomi |
The Marche[3] |
Piede |
335.10 |
oncia |
18.617 |
18 |
Cr,EI,Dou,Pa,Ta2,Mal, |
1 piede da legname = 18
once |
The Marche[4] |
Palmo |
223.42 |
oncia |
18.619 |
12 |
Mar |
1 palmo Romano = 12
once |
Tirol and Bolzano |
Piede |
334.30 |
oncia |
27.858 |
12 |
Mar,Dou |
Trentino and |
(Viennese Fuss) |
316.08 |
pollice |
26.340 |
12 |
Mal,Mar |
1 piede = 12 pollici = 144 linee |
Trento |
Piede da fabbrica |
331.91 |
oncia |
27.659 |
12 |
Mar |
Trento |
Piede |
365.90 |
oncia |
30.492 |
12 |
Mar,Dou |
Turin |
Piede |
323.03 |
oncia |
26.919 |
12 |
Pa,Kr |
1 piede = 12 once |
Turin |
Piede |
433.12 |
oncia |
36.093 |
12 |
Did |
Turin |
(piede liprando) |
513.77 |
oncia |
42.814 |
12 |
Ca,Or,Mal,Eu,Cr,Mar,Dou, |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 punti = 1728 atomi
Turin |
Piede legale |
342.51 |
oncia |
42.814 |
8 |
Cr,Dou,Eu,Mar,Mal |
1 piede legale = 8 once |
Udine |
Piede |
340.49 |
oncia |
28.374 |
12 |
EI,Dou,Mar,Ta2,Mal,Cr |
1 piede = 12 once = 144
linee |
Udine |
Piede |
345.14 |
oncia |
28.762 |
12 |
Co |
1 piede = 12 once |
Urbania (Castel Durante) |
Piede |
316.5 |
oncia |
26.38 |
12 |
Pa |
1 piede = 12 once |
Urbania (Castel Durante) |
Piede da fabbrica |
346.85 |
oncia |
28.9 |
12 |
Mal,Ta2,Pa |
1 piede da fabbrica = 12 once |
Urbania (Castel Durante) |
Braccio mercantile (da panno) |
651.5 |
oncia |
27.15 |
24 |
Mal,Pa |
1 braccio da panno = 24 once |
Urbino |
Piede da fabbrica |
353.72 |
oncia |
29.477 |
12 |
EI,Cr,Pa,Ta2,Mar,Mal,Pa,Kr |
1 piede = 12
once |
Urbino |
Piede |
383.50 |
oncia |
31.958 |
12 |
Pa,Cr,Mar |
1 piede = 12
once |
Venice |
Piede |
322.58 |
oncia |
26.882 |
12 |
Did |
Venice |
Piede |
347.74 |
oncia |
28.978 |
12 |
Did,Kr,Cr,Dou,Mal,Mar,Ta2 |
1 piede = 12 once = 144 linee = 1440
decimi |
Verona |
Piede |
270.90 |
oncia |
22.575 |
12 |
Co |
Verona |
Piede |
342.90 |
oncia |
28.575 |
12 |
Cr,Did,Dou,Pa,Or,Mal,Ta2,Mar |
1 piede = 12 once = 144
linee |
Vicenza |
Piede |
356.42 |
oncia |
29.702 |
12 |
Kr,Did,Co |
[1] The Roman
palmo and piede were used
widely throughout parts of the Regions of Lazio and The Marche including:
Ancona, Apiro, Ascoli Piceno, Belforte,
Cagli, Camerino, Castelfidardo, Cingoli, Civitanova, Civitavecchia, Corinaldo,
Fabriano, Fenigli, Fermo, Fossombrone, Frosinone, Loreto, Macerata, Matelica,
Mondavio, Montalto, Montecassiano, Montecosaro, Montefano, Montegiorgio,
Montelupone, Montenovo, Morovalle, Offida, Orvieto, Osimo, Pergola, Petriolo,
Recanati, Rieti, Ripatransone, Roccacondrada, San Elpidio, San Ginesio, San
Leo, Sanseverino, Sant’Agata Feltria, Sarnano, Sassoferato, Serra de’ Conti,
Serra San Quirico, Staffolo, Tolentino, Treia, Urbino, and Viterbo.
[2] See footnote 1.
[3] See footnote 1.
[4] See footnote 1.
Also available here are two Microsoft Excel spreadsheets with all of the above information contained in them:
Table 1. Units of length arranged according to the size of the unit of measurement.
Table 2. Units of length arranged according to the location of the centre where the unit was used.
Geometry and the unit of measurement