A Franco-Flemish double-manual harpsichord, originally a 'transposing' harpsichord made in Antwerp in 1617, possibly by Frans van Huffel.  It was given a bass ravalement in Paris in 1750 by François Étienne Blanchet and it was later given a treble ravalement in 1786 by Jacques Barberini and Nicolas Hoffmann.


The internal brace painted with flower groups

The internal painted brace which was totally hidden from view inside the instrument until the case was opened during the present restoration.  This was probably painted as a trial before the whole of the soundboard was painted in 1750 when the instrument was widened, by François Étienne Blanchet, Paris.  This painting was not cleaned nor re-touched in any way in the present restoration so that it remains as a protected and un-altered example of the decorator's art.


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